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10.5 Tips For Log Splitter Safety

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Know how to use your log splitter safely.

If you enjoy an occasional fire in the living room fireplace or backyard fire pit, it’s no big deal to split the wood you need with an axe or maul. If you use firewood for heating, though, or even if you just enjoy the sight and smell of burning wood on a regular basis, you’ve probably considered investing in a log splitter.

These powerful machines can make short work of transforming big chunks of wood into burnable logs, but you need to respect their power. Check out these 10.5 log splitter safety tips.

1. Read the owner’s manual. This isn’t a machine you can figure out as you go along; read the manual carefully before you start. Even if you’ve used other splitters before, read the manual to learn the specifics of equipment safety for the particular machine.

2. Wear protective gear. Wear boots or heavy shoes, preferably steel-toed, when working. Avoid loose clothing, scarves and jewelry that could get caught in the machine. Always use work gloves, safety goggles and ear protection while the machine is running.

3. Splitters aren’t kid stuff. No child under the age of 16 should operate the log splitter, even under supervision. A child 16 or older who is mature enough to learn how to use it should start by reading the owner’s manual and be closely supervised during the learning process. If younger kids want to help, limit their participation to stacking wood.

Know how to use your log splitter safely.

4. Keep helpers (and observers) at a distance. The splitter is designed for one-person operation. Chips and splinters can fly through the air, so everyone other than the operator should be at least 10 feet away when the splitter is in action. Dogs and other pets should be secured well out of the work area.

5. Choose the right work area. Set up the machine on a flat, level surface and block the wheels. Don’t work if it’s muddy, wet or icy.

6. Work in a well-lit area. If night is falling, stop for the day, unless you have excellent lighting for the work area.

7. Don’t use gas-operated splitters in an enclosed space. You may be tempted to use a shed or garage for a workspace because it’s well-lit and out of the elements. Don’t do this as it’s dangerous. Gas-operated splitters emit carbon dioxide, which can be deadly if it builds up in an enclosed space.

8. Watch how the log is splitting. Different types of wood split differently, depending on the density, grain and number of knots. Be ready to stop if the log twists or the splitter encounters a major knot.  

9. Stop when making adjustments. If a log does split badly, stop the machine before you change its position in the splitter. Don’t stick your fingers in a crack in a partially split log; it can close quickly, causing injury or even the loss of your finger.

10. Save your back. The repetitive lifting involved when putting logs onto the splitter can do a number on your back after a long day of wood-splitting. Remember to lift from your knees. If you often have large, heavy logs to split, consider investing in a splitter that you can operate either horizontally or vertically.

10.5. Don’t operate the splitter while you’re under the influence. You know enough about power equipment safety not to use the splitter after a beer or two. You also shouldn’t use it if you’re taking cold medicine or any other medication that might leave you less than 100% alert.

Splitting wood yourself can save you a lot of money, and using a splitter can save you time and effort. Follow these tips to save you – and your helpers – from the risk of injury.

Ready to learn more about log splitters? Check out our special offers, then talk to an expert at Little’s.

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TOPICS: Equipment safety

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