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3 Reasons You Should Invest In Michelin Tweel Tires

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If you’ve ever had a flat tire on your mower, you know that fixing it is a hassle and cuts into your mowing time.

Michelin Tweel tires eliminate the problem of tire replacement and repair. This unique design of this tire-wheel hybrid, an airless tire with poly-resin spokes, prevents the Tweel tire from ever going flat. And some models are designed to fit certain John Deere mowers.

Tweel tires are a great investment for both commercial and residential mowers. Explore the three reasons you should consider putting them on your mower.

3 Reasons You Should Invest In Tweel Tires

1. Less downtime: Whether you’re a homeowner or a commercial landscaper, you know what a hassle it is to deal with a flat tire on your mower. Instead of spending your day on lawn care, you have to spend it at the dealership getting your tire fixed. It’s costly and inconvenient.

With Tweel tires, you’ll never have to worry about this kind of downtime again. Because they don’t leak or go flat, you’re always ready to mow. If you’re a commercial landscaper, you’ll be spending time making money instead of wasting time replacing and repairing tires. And if you’re a homeowner, you’ll finish your chores and be on to the rest of your weekend.

2. Smoother ride: Tweel poly-resin spokes are both strong and deformable, so they bend as you drive over rocks, uneven surfaces or even curbs. You’ll eliminate the bumps and jolts of mowing.

Smooth rides go beyond comfort. They’re key for safety, too. Mower operators don’t have to worry about being tossed from the seat when going over curbs or bumps. You’ll stay stable, thanks to your Tweel tires.

They also ensure an even mow, because the mower stays level, regardless of the terrain.

3. Longer lifespan: When you invest in Tweel tires, there’s a good chance they’ll outlive the mower you have them on. Because they won’t need air, go flat or need to be patched, your Tweel tires last two to three times longer than traditional tires. If you have your mower for 10 years, you’ll have your Tweel tires longer.

Michelin sells its Tweel mower tires exclusively through John Deere dealers. If you want to never have to replace another mower tire, talk to your local John Deere dealer, and consider making an investment in Tweels.

Learn more about Tweel tires and schedule a consultation with Little’s John Deere experts now.

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TOPICS: Residential Mowers Commercial Mowers

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