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Professional lawn care takes professional-grade tools. R.E. Little’s is proud to offer STIHL commercial lawn care equipment, which can tackle the toughest jobs. No matter your business’s needs, Little’s has you covered with a range of products that are powerful and versatile enough to perform to the highest standards.

Over 90 Years Of Excellence

STIHL tools are German-engineered and, in most cases, American-built. They’re made of the highest-quality metals, innovative polymers and other materials you simply won’t find elsewhere.

Authorized, Independent Dealers

STIHL believes in the professionalism and expertise of authorized local retailers, so it doesn’t sell through big box stores. Instead, it’s built an extensive support network that includes online technician training.

Explore Our Line Of STIHL Commercial Lawn Equipment

Click on products below to learn more.

Lawn Mowers

Lawn Mowers

Trimmers And Brush Cutters

Trimmers And Brush Cutters

Hedge Trimmers

Hedge Trimmers

Blowers And Shredders

Blowers And Shredders



Pressure Washers

Pressure Washers


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