If you’re in the market for a new mower, you should consider your options carefully before buying. Today, there are hundreds of mowers to choose from, each one designed for different landscaping needs.
Explore the ten questions you should ask both yourself and a lawn equipment expert before buying a John Deere mower.
1. What type of mower do I need?
First, find out what type of mower is best for your property. For example, you may need a zero turn mower if you have a lot of trees and want to get through the trimming required fast. A lawn tractor might be a better choice if you want to use your equipment for snow removal or garden work as well as cutting the grass.2. What is my budget?
Determine how much you’re willing to spend. Consider factors such as the lifespan of a mower (higher quality mowers last longer) and how frequently you will mow. The more you mow, the more you’ll want to invest in a durable residential mower.3. What is the best mower I can get for my budget?
You want to make sure you get the highest quality mower without breaking the bank.4. What financing options are available?
If you have your eye on a John Deere mower you really want, but you’re not ready to put down that much cash upfront, consider financing your next mower. Talk to a John Deere dealer about the mower financing options available to you.5. Should I buy new or used?
Investing in a mower doesn’t have to break the bank. Buying used gets you a good mower for your money. This is ideal for buyers with smaller yards. Look for a high-quality used model with little wear and tear.6. What are the details of the warranty?
Find out how long the warranty period is, what it actually covers and the options for an extended warranty. Talk to the dealership you’re buying from about the warranties John Deere offers on its mowers.7. Where will I store the mower?
Before you buy, you need to know if you have a space large enough to store the mower you choose. Keeping your mower in a shed or garage, protected from the elements, increases its lifespan. A varmint-free area is best.8. What attachments or additions to the mower do I need?
Mowers today come with dozens of different add-ons and upgrades, such as mulching kits, sunshades, snow blower attachments and more. What additional pieces do you want for your mower? Consider carefully what your yard requires throughout the year and invest in the add-ons that make sense for you.9. Where will I get this mower serviced?
Regular servicing and maintenance help extend the life of your mower. When you buy your new mower, make sure you know where you’ll take it for tune-ups. Big box stores do not offer maintenance or repairs. Talk to the dealership that you’re buying from about their John Deere maintenance program.10. Can I test drive the mower I want?
Just as you would never buy a car without first test–driving it, you need to try out the mower you want before you sign the papers. Contact a trusted John Deere dealership in your area to try out the mower you’re interested in.Ready to take your next John Deere mower for a spin? Schedule a test drive at Little’s today.