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Maintenance Schedule: Keep Your Commercial Landscaping Fleet Purring

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Summer is here, and your commercial landscaping business is hitting its busiest time of the year. Is your fleet ready to withstand the wear and tear of the busy season?

Daily use is hard on commercial lawn equipment. And every time you have to take your equipment into a service professional, downtime causes a loss in productivity and profits.

Because your commercial landscaping equipment fleet is used so regularly, it needs more care than a mower someone uses at home. Maintenance doesn’t stop after a start-of-the-season tune up. Make sure you’re performing regular maintenance throughout the season.

Explore this summer maintenance schedule, which you and your employees should use to keep your commercial landscaping fleet up and running like new.

Daily Maintenance

Scrape and spray the underside of the mower with a hose to remove the grass and debris that builds up over daily use. This keeps your mower running efficiently.
Grease your mower as needed. Check tires to see if they need to be refilled or replaced.

Weekly Maintenance

Change the oil and oil filter after 100 hours of use, or each week for frequently used equipment. If your employees mow over rough terrain, mower blades may need to be sharpened regularly. Check the blades each week to see if they need sharpening.

Monthly Maintenance

Replace the spark plugs on your commercial mowers after 100 hours of use.
Change the air filters on your mowers every 50 hours or as needed.

Seasonal Maintenance

Consider taking equipment to a John Deere maintenance expert for a thorough tune-up at the start of each season. Give your equipment a thorough end-of-season cleaning before storing it for the winter. Every 500 hours, change your hydro-transmission oil and filters.

Refer To Your Manufacturer’s Manual

In your commercial lawn equipment’s manual, you’ll find suggestions and recommendations on what maintenance your equipment needs and when it needs it. Use that information to help you build a maintenance schedule, including both the tune-ups you can do yourself and the ones that you should entrust to a Little’s John Deere dealership.

When you and your employees spend a little time caring for your commercial mowers, you’ll extend their lifespan and minimize the downtime that repairs cause.

Contact Little’s to make a service appointment for your fleet of commercial lawn equipment.

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TOPICS: Mower Maintenance Commercial Lawn Equipment

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